Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Leading Project #1

Project Outline:
What I see as the end of the result of my project is that some students are going to help out clean some classrooms at AHS. What will it look like: Well we are going to get as many people to sign up to help us on Jan. 13, 2011 after school. They are going to help a teacher clean their classroom like: clean tables, clean whiteboards, and file papers. We will do what the teachers ask us. This project aligns with our mission and goals as a class because we will be helping some of the teachers at our school clean their classrooms. This is a good cause to do because some of them don’t even have time, and the classrooms are always dirty.
The obstacles/challenges that we might anticipate when working on my project is that not enough people will show up and there won’t be many teachers to help out.
The milestones that we are going to meet include:
During the week of Jan. 10-Jan.13 or a week before ask as many kids in our leadership class or another class if the students would like to help. If a lot of kids sign up, we will ask teachers so that two kids are in each classroom helping. We will make volunteer papers so that students can get volunteer hours and are more willing to help.

I will ensure that we reach my project milestones on the dates listed above because I will tell my group members to stay on task and not get behind. If we do get behind on those milestones then we will have to catch up. How I think we will overcome these foreseen obstacles is I will assign everyone a room to clean and keep everyone updated on what is going to happen.

The materials we will need to successfully carry out my project is: paper towels, cleaning spray, whiteboard cleaner.

Things besides the materials that will help are people.

We will need about 5-15 students who are willing to help us. What I see their roles being are just to help clean up teachers classrooms.

What my plan to hold myself and group accountable for the success of the project is to stay on task and ask everyone that was on our list again, if they are going to come.

Completed by: Jan. 13, 2011
Milestone 3 Description:
I was successful at meeting this milestone because we stayed on task and followed everything above. I was good to go and we don’t need to make any changes to my project.

Post-Project Reflection:
Project Name: Scrub Our School.
Group Members: Anna, Cole, and other leadership students.

Reflection Prompts:
*   My vision actually happened because we helped so many teachers and they appreciated it. We also made the classrooms cleaner. I feel great because I actually met my goal.
*    Some things that went wrong in our project was that not many people who signed up to help showed up. I actually did see this problems coming because the students might have forgotten or they had other things to do.
*   What went well in my project was that I helped three teachers. A lot of people did show up, though. I had fun because I was with another person and we had fun together.   Next time I do a project, I would make a paper that would remind the people who signed up to help.
*   What my next terms of becoming a better leader is do something similar to help the school or community. What I would want to do next time is have a school ground clean up or clean the gym or something at our school. I know that the Talent Show is coming up. So maybe I could ask the office and see if I can set up chairs or something at the Gym. What I want to improve about my leadership ability is to get everyone organized and on task.
*   Our group worked well together. I did a good job as a leader because I pointed out good ideas to the group. I did good as a group member because I listened to everyone and didn’t get disappointed when some people said they couldn’t show up because they had stuff to do. I think it went this way because we listened to each other.
*   What my next project is going to be is: arrange chairs in the gym for the talent show, I’m going to ask Elizabeth about that, or have a campus cleanup at my school.

Sorry, didn’t take any pictures, we forgot.

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